Question by madrocky25: How do I clean a shell from my fish tank?
I put a large shell in my fish tank. It's been in there for about six months. The shell is usually a red-ish brown color but when it drys out it stays white. I tried scrubbing it with a tooth brush but it still has the white color. Any ideas on how to get the shell back to the natural color? Does this mean the shell color is fake? Any help at all!!?? I really liked this shell.

Thanks. Anna
I've read a couple of the questions. The shell color doesn't fade. It's the right color when it is wet. Everything looks normal. As soon as the shell is dry, it turns white. I'm thinking it's something from the tank. My tank gets very dirty fast. I'm working on solutions for that. I want to clean the shell and keep it out of the tank now to use for other purposes but the white film doesn't help.

Best answer:

Answer by Peter P
Real shells should never fade. It must be fake, as it is losing it's paint.

Real shells are bad for the tank anyway, as they raise the PH levels (that's bad).

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