Question by burningxbutterflies: cold???????

my family and i just got back from christmas vacation.
my son caught a cold from one of the family members, and he's refusing to sleep alone.

are there any suggestions to help him sleep alone?

i know it seems kind of harsh, but he used to be so good about sleeping alone.

Best answer:

Answer by psychoticangel_kitty
well, first of all i'd say let him sleep with you for a night or two. what will it hurt? or sleep in his room (on uhis bed if big enough) until he falls asleep and then go to your bed. hes probably just wanting that extra attention we all crave when we dont feel good.

if he;s over the cold already then id have a talk with him (if hes old enough to talk) about why he doesnt want to sleep alone. maybe hes afraid fo something that has nothing to do with a cold? never know wht other kids wil tell younger ones for the heck of it when youre with familiy. my cousins used to terrify the crap out of me for the fun of t

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