Question by grrr: music....................?
okkay i'v decided i wana be in the music know assisgning people who can sing and all that but what is it called? and what kind of skills do i have to have to be in it?
oh and what college do you think i can attend to learn about it and and pursue the dream from thier?

Best answer:

Answer by TR

You want to be an agent? A record company exec? A vampire?

Some agents are really good and helpful. Record companies used to call this job "artist development" but they don't do that anymore, they want to sign an act, bleed it dry, and discard it before they have to pay it any decent dollar amounts.

To be an agent, you simply have to learn the business, get to know local bands, and work your tochus off trying to get work for the musicians you represent. Assigning people who can sing is something you might do if you work your way up to producer, but that would be 'way down the road.

Frankly, the record industry is in steep decline because they're stupid and don't figure out how to keep up with technological advances nor how to serve niche markets. But good luck--maybe you'll find yourself properly placed to exploit the future we can't predict.

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