Question by Dude Wheres my Spaceship: How did the historical dominance of White men over Black men/women affect the relationships of Blacks?

As far as dominance of the man over the woman. Historically Black men have never had much control over Black women, and White men have had more. White men have even had a lot of control over Black men themselves in the United States. In a country/society where the mainstream always promoted men being superior to women, how did this affect how Black people saw each other in relationships??

Best answer:

Answer by Martha J
"Historically Black men have never had much control over Black women"
Who told you that?
I do know that African Americans have looked at the power dynamic between the sexes differently because both were disenfranchised. We couldn't just point the finger at each other.
Sometimes black women faced the double whammy of sexism and racism but sometimes black women had the advantage over black men of being less threatening to white society being stereotyped as maid or prostitutes but not as rapists and murderers who needed to be controlled and locked up for the good of society.
Sometimes white culture even has tried to encourage black women to take the same attitude to our own men but most of us know better.

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