Question by etomar94: United Kingdom?

I've got a report due next month and need as many pictures, videos, info or whatever you've got about United Kingdom. Anything would help

Best answer:

Answer by Steel Clawz
You should talk about the capital, London.. And all it's great sights, like Big Ben and The Tower of London and Buckingham Palace and The London Eye and Madame Tussauds.. XD

And of course talk about seaside resorts like Brighton and Plymouth, just go on or something like that and it should give you tons of information as well as pictures =]

Dun forget the Royal Family hahaha

[oh God Mishy ever so sorry I was just saying the main attractions that I know of, mmmkay?]

Ya so don't forget that lot too..
Even though they forget to draw Wales on that map hahaha

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