I have been told to go and open a Wordpress blog account to make web mini sites (web presence) and I am wanting to know if you have better ideas or simply more ideas? Advise for Wordpress would be great as well!
Best answer:
Answer by Zoooma
It depends on the time and budget you have.
Despite the ease of setting up wordpress as a blogging platform, there is a fairly long learning curve to determine what is exactly right for your business, and if you are trying to run a business, it could be distracting from your core business.
These are some of the things to bear in mind:
1) Do you want a domain with your company name? e.g. 'yourcompanyname.com'
You can check for the name you want in places like:
If you go with this option, there are other blogging/Content Management Systems that are also available with wordpress such as joomla, drupal, but these are slightly more complex.
If you do not want a company blog dedicated domain space, then you can get something like 'yourcompanyname.wordpress.com', this will be free. Other free blogging platforms are typepad, blogger, and a few more so you can get 'yourcompanyname.blogger.com' also.
2) How much information will you be putting on the blog, that will determine your webhosting plan you want if you decide to buy a domain for your company blog. Most basic plans are big enough to handle business blogs. Most places selling the domain can offer web hosting
3) Consider if you actually need another website if you already have a company website. You can just add a sub-domain to it or another section in blog format. If you want a seperate site, then you want to consider things like templates for your blog, designing it so it fits your business and easy to navigate for customers.
4) Depending on how much experience you have inhouse (which I am guessing is not too much as you are asking here?), you could consider hiring a programmer to do it all for you on places like elance.com, peopleperhour.com, odesk.com... they are all basically freelancing websites to get skilled help.
5) Then the other thing is, do you really need a blog? Can your company write articles on professional sites or article sites to submit your company website link if you already have a website.
6) If you don't have a website, you could list your business on places like business.com, alibaba.com, facebook, twitter account where you regularly tweet related business links, etc.
Basically, I am asking you to check if your business needs a blog. A blog is to be regularly updated, needs traffic to bring you benefits of being online, also needs regular reviews to ensure you are getting back results.
Consider consulting a small business specialist like econsultancy.com to ensure you choose the right service for you business so as not to burn energy where not needed. The online world and social media space is incredibly complex.
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