I need to ship a bottle of wine from New York to London, and I am not sure how to go about doing this. I cannot ship it through normal mail due to government restrictions, so I was hoping someone could provide some information for me as to how to ship this bottle overseas. Thanks for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by Kelly@UsefulThings.com
Check with the winery that produces the wine. Many of them having shipping programs. It's often very expensive, and most of them have restrictions on where they can ship, but it's the only way I've found to get a bottle of wine through the mail.
Alternatively, the winery may know of a distributor in London. Perhaps you could call that distributor and see if they can ship the wine. It would likely be less expensive, since the bottle would be originating in London to begin with, and not overseas.
Good luck! And let me know if you do indeed find a way to get it there!
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