What physiological response(s) to stress occur beyond irritability, hypervigilance, bradypnea, tachycardia, insomnia, intense distress, intrusive thoughts, thought suppression, panic attacks, syncope, fasciculations, and spontaneous diarrhea?
Additionally, what is this degree of stress properly titled, and what is the term for the following stage?
Best answer:
Answer by Christian Minister
The degree is PHD or post hole digger- they dont know-- heres an example-
Counseling- The bible says man's wisdom is folly. Here's some advice recently given to a cutter. This info really can apply to any so called mental problem just change the name below.
1. "You don't handle criticism well" "You need to work on that"-- wow
2. "Your mom is just frustrated"- no mention of abuse of course.
3. "Youre such a drama queen"-- said by thereapist to her.
Here we have a mom paying for the counseling, and the counselor just agrees with the mom to keep the money going. This is a mom who is verbally abusive- I knew about abuse going on The counselor just won't help this child.
When your parents are paying you often won't get real help. You will get total nonsense and pysco babble from secular counselors. Focusing on cutting is not the way to help.
Hurting people hurt others. You have to realize the parent hurting you has low self esteem and needs to control you. Its "their" problem. Any words spoken that are not uplifting are really abuse even if the words have some truth to them. Being sent to counselors can be a form of control. They get an "expert" to "agree" with them. Read about verbal abuse.
One factor common to most people who self-injure is invalidation which is abuse. They were taught at an early age that their interpretations of feelings were wrong. They learned that feelings weren't allowed. They may have been punished for expressing feelings or ridiculed.
1. Read "emotional abuse" Read about 40 sites- Abuse causes depression.
2. Google "Deliverance Prayers"- stops sadness.
3. Google "Sinners Prayers"- makes a path to God
4. Google sites about "Bullying".
5. Learn the cause of cutting dont focus on how much you cut or how you need to stop.
Google sinners prayers and deliverance prayers
Talk to me Mon-Fri when my name is lit- click to see
Source- Experience of this in a ministry
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