Question by Vic Ulloa: What are requirements to sell on Amazon and whats good about selling there ?

I want to start selling on amazon, what are the requirements to be a seller?
what is the payment process like? whats good about selling on amazon?

Im an old ebay seller, Frankly im fed up with them.

Also what type of fees are associated with selling on amazon?


Best answer:

Answer by Kit
Amazon's great. You basically find the item on their site, click the "Sell yours here" button, and you basically just put in the condition of the item/how much you want to charge for it. No photos! Amazon does the item description/photo stuff if you need. You have to set up an account and give them your direct deposit info so that they can verify your account etc. Then you get automatic deposits every two weeks or so (you can request sooner deposits if you have money in your payments account).

I know ebay charges for listings, but Amazon charges off of your profit (the percentage depends on what item, generally around 10-20%), You don't have to keep relisting your items though, Amazon keeps it until it sells. They also give you a standard shipping credit (based on how fast the person wants it to be sold-standard is 3.99) which is charged to the customer (sometimes you win/lose on that though with what actual shipping costs)

I think it depends on the items though. Like I sell my textbooks all the time on Amazon, whereas I wouldn't necessarily say you can sell EVERYTHING on Amazon (like clothes, etc.) but you can sell quite a bit of decent stuff on there. For example, I randomly bought this clock somewhere with nature sounds etc. thinking it had a radio and it didn't. I think a lot of time passed/lost the receipt etc. so I couldn't return it to the store. I randomly found it on Amazon one day and decided to list it, not expecting it to be sold but I figured, what's the risk? Randomly, all of a sudden I received an email that it'd been sold! And I think I basically recouped all that I'd paid for it.

Basically, Amazon's great, and I highly recommend it compared to ebay (cause you can put something up and not be sure it's going to sell/what you're going to get)! Here's another site which may help you:

Hope this helps!

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