Mcgee Edward
Equity Research Analyst
South East Asia.

Hello, This is not Hoax Or Spam Email.

My name is Mcgee Edward. Equity Research Analyst at FTB investment bank South East Asia.and personal Accountant to Late (Mr.Hock Miller) From Mexico.

I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described here-under for our both mutual benefit and 1 hope you will keep it a top secret because of the nature of the transaction, During the course of our bank year auditing On the 18th December 2014.

I discovered an unclaimed/abandoned fund, sum total of (21,000.000,00.USD)Twenty One Million United State Dollars. in the bank account that belongs to a Mexican businessman (Late Mr. Hock Miller) Who unfortunately lost his life and entire family in a plane crash. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of the relatives for several years now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at (21,000.000.00USD)Twenty One Million United State Dollars can be paid to you, which we will share in these percentages ratio, 70% to me and 30% to you if you accept. All I request is your utmost sincere co-operation; trust and maximum confidentiality to achieve this project successful.i will use all my influence and my personality in our bank to make sure this fund release to you without any breach of contract then i will meet you for us to shear it.

I have carefully mapped out the moralities for execution of this transaction under a legitimate arrangement to protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here when the fund is being transferred to your bank account. I will have to provide all the relevant document that will be requested from FTB to indicate that you are the rightful beneficiary of this legacy and FTB bank will release the fund to you without any further delay, upon your consideration and acceptance of this offer,
I await your swift response and re-assurance so we commence this transaction immediately.and kindly delete it out if you are not interested, i use my personal email address to contact you for security reasons.Happy New Year 2015! May this year covers you with happiness, success and every wishes come true. Happy New Year..

Best regards,
Mcgee Edward.
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