Question by Andyy: boyfriend?

kay, so i have a boyfriend, we've been dating for almost two months. were really close friends, but as my friends tell me... my boyfriend and my relationship is one you wouldnt call a "couple relationship" one of my friend always complains that i can do SO much better (most people say my bf is ugly, but i think hes cute and his personality is amazing.. the inside is what counts right?) well theres this other kid, he is really good looking, popular, and has a great personality. all my friends can tell that he wants to get to know me better, and is flirting with me. Most of my friends think i would be better with the other kid, but i dont want to lose my boyfriend, although im not too sure im as happy as i could be.. please help...sorry if you couldnt follow it all

Best answer:

Answer by Andy NIU
Sounds cheesy but follow your heart. Also make sure that the jock is interested in a relation ship, not just relations.

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