Dear Sirs: I got your name and address from Internet and knew you are in the market of the bags, which is within the scope of our business. Take this opportunity, we introduce my factory, as one of the leading manufactures of bags in Guangdong province, China. Our products include travel bags,rucksacks, laptop bags, trolley case, men bags and other stitiching bags. We always provide our products with good qualtiy and reasonable price. In order to meet your clients needs, we will make many new designs of the bags very month. In addition, we can make any kinds of designs from you and can put your own logo on the bags as you need. We are looking forward to being your factory bags supplier in China.You also can visit our website for our products and company proflies. Looking forward to your early response soon. Sincerely. Mark Li
- Mar 21 Tue 2017 09:58
manufacturing men bags,leather bags, backpacks,travel bags, wheeled bags and other leisure bags for you