Question by Robby Lace: What digital camera would be best for me and my price range this Christmas?

I want a digital camera that gives me the best point-and-click capabilities, and gives me the best quality digital photographs for around $ 300. I've looked at the Nikon Coolpix and some Sony and Canon camera's. Can someone that knows what their talking about give me some professional advice as to what camera would be best for me?

Best answer:

Answer by Lou G
a professional advice at 300$ is quite difficult, add a few bugs and buy a D40 from Nikon, add a few more and get a D60 or a D80 that are sold to clean last stocks.. If you go for a click 'n go pocket gadget, get a Panasonic LZ8 or some Canons in the same range for 100$ . Take the leftover and buy a good photoprinter.
A low budget ormid range pocket has never anything professional anyway, they are what they are with there small captur devices. Just on edvice, avoid higher pixel count then 8 mpix. They destroy the qualitty of the shot to flatten the noise once it's abit dark or shady.
If ever you can, go dslr.

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