Question by ///M3 POWER!: germany???

Germany started world war one and two. the first war put them in a really bad depression; it was so bad it was cheaper to burn money for heat then pay for it. Then some how 21 years after the end of world war one, they create an army that was powerful enough to take on the rest of Europe thus starting world war two.

what made Germany so powerful they could create both world wars, was it their advance engineering? or something else.

also how could they recover from a debt so fast?

I'm guessing they don't have the amount of natural resources as America, and America still had trouble recovering from their debt. Germanys debt just seem to went away.

how did Germany overpowered both France (powerful army) and england (worlds best navy).

Best answer:

Answer by robert s
I can only answer one part of your question, we paid(USA) Germanys debt.

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