I am a real estate agent and I want to know how I set up mobile messaging alerts to tell my clients about new properties, open houses, etc. Where can I do this? Is it possible with picture messaging or even video! Can you send out mobile virtual property tours?
Best answer:
Answer by Gary M
I have seen a lot of sites that send out text messages, but for your purpose as a real estate agent I could see how that would deficient. I know of one site that you can create picture messaging slideshows. www.cellyspace.com has an MMS composer that you can create slideshows with video, images, audio and text. They have tools for you to broadcast those messages as mobile alerts to subscribers or you can place a keycode on for sale signs like "Text HOUSE to 33563" and people driving buy can instantly have virtual property tour sent to their mobile phones. You'll be able to gather potential leads while you're not even working and inform multiple clients of new open houses with previews and anything else you can think of.
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