Question by Kristin: Straight women: What is the best way to pursue a woman if you don't know her orientation?
I'll just assume, because I don't know, that they are straight. Though the woman I am interested could very well be interested. I'm really looking for straight women to answer, what would be the easiest way (for you) for a woman to express interest. Of course, you wouldn't go along with it. But certain ways could bother you more than others, make you uncomfortable, and etcetera. When is it the easiest to deal with? Is there any way that would flatter and compliment you rather than weird you?

Best answer:

Answer by Blue Eyed Homo
Befriend her whilst committing a crime and then flee across the deserts of Colorado and Nevada and make a pact and have sex and then drive off a cliff

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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