Question by welsh_witch_sally: How do I start a blog under a pen-name and maintain my anonymity. How do you then get regular readers?

I want to blog about issues I don't want associating with my 'work' self. How do I choose a blog host that has a good anonymity record, in other words, I don't want it to be easy for people to match up my IP address or access my personal details.
Also, having set the blog up, how do you encourage high volume visitors?
I've only used LJ before and I want to try something a bit different, but anonymity is the biggest issue for me. Would welcome suggestions of good free blog hosts.

Best answer:

Answer by Girl360
Use You write/blog under a user name, not your real name. Creating a profile with photo and all that is optional. You have to advertise your site if you want people to go to it regularly. You can advertise it on free things MySpace, or related sites that would contain your link (that might not be free).

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