Question by keekster: What digital camera would you suggest to buy?

My cousin and I really don't know anything about buying a good digital camera. My cousin needs one and she said she's willing to pay up to $ 300 for a camera. She wants one that has a rechargeable battery. If you have any good suggestions about what digital camera to purchase please let me know your opinion and where could we find it brand new with a good value.
Ohh i forgot to put that she needed a waterproof digital camera because we're going to Philippines and take the camera to beaches. What's a good waterproof camera?

Best answer:

Answer by I'm a dog
Depends what you take pictures of the most!!!
I like lots of zoom.
I also like steady shot, that helps a lot.
Disposable AA batteries are nice because if you're at the beach all day and your rechargeable battery goes dead you can't take any more pictures.

What do you think? Answer below!

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