Question by pbpullman: How much do locomotive engineers make and how long does it take?
How much do locomotive engineers make and how long does it take?
I have a friend who wanted to become a pilot but that's a career that is comparable to becomming a physician in both time and expense. How about train engineers? Is it a shorter time to your career? How often are you gone from home? Do they make a descent living?

Best answer:

Answer by ♥ Twilight ♥
Same as a pilot. A penpal of mine overseas used to be a loco engineer. He had to spend years in the shop as a mechanic before he qualified to be trained and then tested to be a loco engineer. I asked him what it was like. He enjoyed it but he says you must have a strong stomach because of having to clean up the mess after hitting an animal, car, or a person. The one thing he couldn't handle was seeing the aftermath of a child getting hit by the train. The child was a 6 year old girl who had been chasing her dog. When he exited the loco to see what happened he just broke down and cried at the sight of the little girls chopped up and mangled body lying on the tracks. When he was ready to return to work he resigned from the loco engineer position and went back to the repair shop.

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