Question by legalpro: What does knuckle and chin hair on a woman mean?
I read somewhere about stress and facial hair on women. If a woman is between the ages 20-35 and suffers from or is subjected to chronic stress and then suddenly starts growing hair on their knuckles and chin region. Is this change due to changes in the woman's hormone levels and regulation of cortisone levels as a result of stress? What if the woman also suffers from conditions like very dry skin which improves slightly when she is on her menses and weight gain?

What do these symptoms indicate about what's occurring to the woman's health internally?Is she likely to go into menopause sooner than the age for it?

Best answer:

Answer by Smarticle
well women have testosterone levels in us as well, just no where near as much as men have. when a woman gets older, her estrogen level drops, causing the testosterone levels to be more visible. which is why some old old women have beards,lol.;_ylt=AmR8tiwQTKjlCl.bqfTHuHjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100219221530AA2Kcag

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