Question by luvsofhearts: How to I have the ultimate shopping spree?
I'm planning I go on an awesome shopping spree and I need some opinion on how I could make it the best shopping spree ever?

What should I bring?

How much should I bring?

Where should I shop?

What time should I start?

Best answer:

Answer by summer fun
1. You, your wallet/purse, mom, dad, their wallet/purse haha
2. i guess as much as you plan on spending. that really depends on how much money you have, or your parents i guess.
3.Which ever store that YOU like NOT what your friends, or parents tell you. well within reason
4. i would start reallllllllly early. that wat its not so crowded, and you and your parents arent that tired by the mid of the day.

answer mine?

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