My family and I are planning to go to Hong Kong in 4 days time. What are some things to do and see and that would be interesting for my 14 year old and 9 year old daughters? Also what is the name of the airport in Hong Kong? Please suggest some interesting and fun places to go to when we are in the main Hong Kong island. Please do not suggest Disneyland as we are already planning to go there.
Thank you, your help is highly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Hammy
Since you have two daughters, you'd probably want to bring them to Ladies' Market. Its a street where they sell lots of ladies items. The Ladies' Market is on Kowloon Island
You might also want to bring them to Ocean Park. It is also a theme park but includes marine life performances and exhibitions.
There is also an Avenue of Stars which is something like the one in Hollywood just that this consists of Chinese artists. The Avenue of Stars is also at Kowloon Island so you'd probably want to set aside a day for Kowloon.
You should definitely go to Repulse Bay (in daytime). It is a beautiful place by the beach.
By the way, if you're an American, I would suggest you not to go to Hong Kong Disneyland. Its really small compared to the ones in America.
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