Question by ...Tell Me: New Zealand?
I am planning a trip to New Zealand (no dates yet) and wanted to know...

- When is the best time to go (weather wise)
- I'm trying to avoid the tourist "hot spots," what are some great local places you reccomend? I'm more "turned on" by the natural aspect of New Zealand, so please base your responses on that (outdoor activites).
- ...but I also want to hit a few bars and clubs while I'm there, suggestions?
- Also, any other helpful tips about traveling to New Zealand will help.

The more info the better

Thanks :-D

Best answer:

Answer by jwbout
Well if your going to the North Island I went early March and it was the end of summer there. But stilll warm enough to go to the beach. Outdoors stuff:

1.Muriwai Beach, awesome area they have thousands of these birds called gannets on these to rocks. It's a nice hike up to the top of the hill and right on the ocean.

2.Bethels Beach cool fresh water lake with old houses, it's also where they filmed Xena.

3.Piha Beach my favorite beach the sand is black/purple and so soft it feels good on the feet.

4.Devonport is awesome little island (there a bridge to get to it) with cool tunnels and hills very pretty


1. Kings Arms is really good its near Karangehape road but I can't remember what street its on. They have a public bar in the front and then in back therea garden, they also have live music with local abnds through out the week.

2. Thirsty Dog is right on Karangehape road, its an awesome pub.

Pretty much Karangehape road is going to have alot of bars/ dance clubs there. Cabs are easy to find and cheap they are just linned up every so often. Check out the Wine Celler on K road too. Most of there drinks are all from New Zealand there so its kinda cool to try there whiskey, beers, and wines. Speights is a really good beer.

Check out Mt. Eden also it's kinda of a tourity thing but you kinda have to chekc it out anyway. Its a dead volcono that you can stand right at the edge of.

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