Question by Colton: What digital camera would you suggest for recording a low budget film?
It's an extremely low budget movie.

I would like to use a digital camera to record it because digital cameras are obviously cheaper and easier to use.

Should I record a movie with a digital camera or would it look to cheap? If I can, what digital camera would you suggest? If you say no to the digital camera idea, what other camera should I use (that's low-priced preferrably)?

Best answer:

Answer by Desire A
Altough it won`t look stunning, for a newcomer what really matters is the direction, the script, the content.
Yeah, of course image quality matters but it is not basic if the rest of your elements are strong enough.
I think an average 12`000 dls camera is more than enough for a decent quality image.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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