Question by Dexion: What external enviornmental aspects would affect production of a retail chain like target?

Wierd question I know! But I need to name 5 external enviromental aspects that would hinder a retail chain store like target/walmart to hinder its sales goal?

We were able to come up with things like weather and competition(other stores) but what other aspects come to mind? Has to be external.

Best answer:

Answer by GG
wouldnt be environmental, it'd be societal or economincal. but my guess when it comes to environemntal would be:

1) lack or non-existence of recycling (for manufacturin products
2) infestation of redents or insects
3) severe pollution
4) no trees or extreme decreasing of trees (no paper,etc for materials)
5) global warming

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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