Question by Vinnie: What causes a cell phone to not receive a call from a land line phone?

My Girlfriend loves to call me from her house phone, but for some reason my phone only recieves half of her calls. The half I do not get rings for her but my phone doesn't get any missed call messages. Any way to fix this? I have the Motorola DRIOD and cannot figure out why my phone isn't picking up her calls.

Best answer:

Answer by jivepacketrat
Do you report the problem to her land line Telco and your Cell Phone provider? There are a number of problems that could cause this to happen but if they are not reported to the providers then they will not be fixed. One way to report the problem is to call the Operator from the land line and tell the Operator that your calls do not connect and ask the Operator to complete the call for her.
Is it only from your Girlfriend or do other land line people report the problem?
You do have to remember that she may receive ringing in her ear before your cell phone rings. That is because the gateway for your cell service may indicate that you are available and then there may not be available bandwidth to connect to you so you will not get a connection to your cell and she will just get ringing. I have also found that sometimes my cell will lose signal and calls will not go through.

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