i am 16 years old about to go into college at c.w post on long island. my uncle has just given me a fully payed for 2003 hyundai sonata with 60,000 miles on it. the only problem is im a big kid about 6-1 and i have to really squeeze to get into the car. i have about 6k saved up which i was going to put toward college but my question to you is should i buy a car i can fit into more comfortably or use that money twoard college
Best answer:
Answer by RealtorBiker
If you are 16 and about to go to college you should know these answers ! oh, its paid for not payed for. I went to college for a year. You'll get there.
Back to the question. There are four bolts the hold the seat in place. unbolt it, pull it out and drill 4 new holes a few inches back. Use the money for college kido....You dont want to start out life with a student loan.
PS I am 6'4" and know what it can be like living in a small world.
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