Question by Thebugman: i want to join a nonprofit volunteer organization, where do i start?
I have decided just recently that my life (forgive the dramatics here please) completely lacks meaning and is without any apparent usefulness. In an effort to change that, to make me feel better about myself and, to serve a purpose to others I have decided to join an international volunteer organization. However upon searching the internet I have found that most of these organizations require a large payment before you join, some require a college degree, and I am over the age limit for some (I am twenty-five)
I have no college degree, so that rules out the peace corps, I am over age for many other organizations. The biggest problem is I am below poverty level myself so i can not afford the cost of joining many others.
I need to know what options are open for me. I want something long term (a year or more) that supplies lodging and food, I assume this would be some sort of government operation but am not sure. I see this as a life changing oppurtunity. But how do I join?
First I'll let you know the military is not an option, tried that, have a bad left eye. I'd like to leave the country, have nothing against my own country but would like to broaden my horizons and see the world.

Best answer:

Answer by WyattEarp
Try the Salvation Army

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