Question by cooolioooo: What business field should i study for to become an entrepreneur?
i start college in the fall and im pretty sure i wanna study business.
i want to open businesses, buy apartment buildings, etc. But the term business is too vague. What is the subfield that teaches you how to open/maintain your businesses?

Best answer:

Answer by Glucan Immune Support
Most schools aren't set up to teach people to be entrepreneurs. The skill sets you should study are:

Basic accounting. You want this because if you have to rely on someone else to crunch the numbers, you open yourself up to being cheated. If you don't know the numbers, you can't make good financial decisions.

Basic economics. You want this so you can understand production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services on a larger scale. Your business will fit into the local economy and the better you understand how that works, the better business decisions you will make.

Basic marketing and sales. You want this so you know how to communicate your offerings to potential customers and sell to them. One thing most schools fail to tell you is that you are in sales, whether you think you are or not. You sell yourself to a potential employer, potential mate or a potential customer.

People skills. Understanding human behavior and how to work with people is a key skill that nearly every business course ignores.

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